YouTube: You Have Recently Contacted Too Many Users

YouTube: You Have Recently Contacted Too Many Users.
Please wait for some time before trying again.

If you are an avid YouTuber like I am then you have probably received this error message at some point in your YouTube adventures. YouTube restricts the number of subscriptions and friends that you can add in a given amount of time to prevent spammers from acquiring to many subscriptions. This also prevents automated software from spamming their servers.

Why would they do this?: There are a lot of legitimate channels on YouTube and once you get enough subscribers you are eligible to sign up for the YouTube Partner Program which allows YouTube content providers to make money from their channel and video views. For some content providers the goal of subscribing to someone's channel is to prompt them to return the favor and have them subscribe to their channel in return, you see this a lot with the MLM'ers trying to get people to subscribe to their (multi-level marketing) business. If they allowed you to acquire too many subscriptions quickly then this would boost that process and everyone would be a YouTube partner in no time flat. By restricting the amount of subscribers you can get YouTube prevents not only the amount of spam that you get but keeps things legit for those who are honestly trying to build their content driven business. Plus it keeps the MLM'ers from spamming the heck out of everyone.

I have been a YouTube content provider for over a year now and as much as I would like to be a YouTube Partner I have no desire to spam my viewers and loose my account that I have worked very hard to build. In fact, at the time of writing this article I only have around 260 subscribers. I've never once logged in to YouTube with the intent of spamming videos just to get subscribers. I run a free tech service and pride myself on doing things the right way, so spamming channels for subscriptions is out of the question for me.

Testing: Although I have never found any official information on YouTube regarding how many subscribers you can get in a given amount of time I have done some testing to see what the limits are and have come up with the following information.

During my test I was able to subscribe to 10 users in a row before getting the error message, after waiting 8-10 minutes I was able to start subscribing to users again until I hit 10 and then got the error message again. If you are trying to boost your subscriptions then the best bet is to subscribe to 9 users, watch a few videos and then subscribe to 9 more users and so on. YouTube also limits your subscriptions to 2,000 unless you have a lot of people subscribed to you in return.

Hope this information helped you guys out!

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