Solved: Using OBS On A Crappy PC, Best Settings YouTube, Live 3 Camera S...

So after 50+ live stream tests I've finally figured out the best OBS settings to broadcast live on YouTube. This is for my PC of course. But feel free to give these setting a shot if you are new to OBS, like I was, and you're lost in the woods, like I was...

I've spent the past 3 weeks working out a 3 camera setup which consisted mainly of me pulling my hair out every time the stream would crash. But it was time well spent considering it's free open source software. Please Help Support "Jim" and the OBSProject

I started out on my MacBook Air and it didn't go so well. Next I moved everything over to my MacBook Pro running an i5 processor with 16GB of Ram, still wasn't cutting it.

From there I tested the software out on an old PC that I use for research while doing tech repair on the daily basis. Right off the bat it was working better for sure but it still wasn't streaming fluently.

After a solid week of testing I finally figured out the best settings for my PC. I haven't gone back to either of my Macs to see if these settings will work but it's not a good idea to broadcast from a laptop anyway, and especially not over a wireless signal. However, if you do successfully use these settings on a MacBook then please let me know.

In this video I'm running an old HP Pavilion 500-c60 AMD A6-5200 2ghz processor with 8gb of ram and a Radeon HD graphics card. It doesn't get much more basic than that! Here are my OBS settings...

Settings / Output / Streaming:
Encoder - X264
Enforce Encoder Settings - Unchecked
Rescale Output - Checked - 1280x720
Rate Control - CBR
Bitrate - 4000
Use Custom Buffer- Unchecked
Keyframes Interval - 2
Usage Preset - Super Fast

Settings / Audio
Sample Rate - 48khz
Channels - Mono

Settings / Video
Base - 1600x900 (this will be different for everyone)
Output - 1280x720
Downscale Filter - Bicubic
Common FPS - 24NTSC

Settings / Advanced
Process Priority - Above Normal

I left everything else as default in all other settings for now.

Hope this helps you guys out!

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